Grade 100 Single Leg SSG Lifting Chain with Clevis Grab & Sling Hook. High Visibility Chain Made in USA.
These are Certified Lifting Chains
Made in the USA
Meets or Exceeds ASME B30.9. Tagged with Grade, Size, WLL.
Material: Alloy Steel
Configuration: SSG
Chain Grade: Grade 100 High Visibility Chain
Standard: ASME B30.9.
Vertical Working Load Limits
5/16": 5,700 LBS
3/8" : 8,800 LBS
1/2": 15,000 LBS
5/8": 22,600 LBS
Custom Lengths Available Upon Request. Rigging Hooks are European.
Note: Slings cannot be returned due to safety concerns with materials
Warning: Understand specifications before using Alloy Steel Chain Slings. Failure to understand those instructions may cause death or serious injury. Chain Slings should never be used beyond their certified load ratings. Avoid Shock Loads.